Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mormons turn out for day of service in Northeast

Even a blistering heat wave couldn't stop 2,500 Latter-day Saints from turning out for a day of service.

Some non-LDS volunteers showed up at Liberty State Park in New Jersey to provide service through another organization, but when they couldn't find their own project, they joined the Mormons.You can buy your replacement battery at a dedicated tools shop or from online stores. Online, you can order from the websites dedicated to homeowners and professional users. Here, you will find a broader range of batteries to choose from and at more favorable prices. Some buyers prefer to buy from the big brands in the market e.g. Makita, Bosch etc. Generally, batteries from these manufacturers are known to perform well but they may also be more expensive. You should consider shopping for batteries that are rated high by previous buyers and users like you regardless of what brands they are just as long as you are sure the batteries are the right fit for your power tools.Batteries are rated by their voltages and capacities. Therefore, expect to know what volts and ampere-hours the replacement battery you intend to buy are rated in. Of these two, ampere-hours is more important since it determines how long the battery will last. However, the higher the voltage and ampere-hour of a battery, the longer and stronger the power tool will perform. Batteries usually come in ampere-hours of 1.4, 2.4 and 3.0 amp/hr ratings. You can find these written on the battery itself."I really can't tell you how amazing the day was for me and everyone here and how truly impressed we were by all of you," said Adam Liebowitz, director of community development at The Point CDC. "We have had many service days over the years, and this was by far and away the most successful, productive and organized one we have ever witnessed.""We mulched every tree in the park," said Brad Thatcher, first counselor in the Caldwell New Jersey Stake presidency. "The park has never had so many volunteers at one time, and Friends of Liberty State Park were very happy and hope we will keep them in mind for future service projects."However, Lithium Ion batteries have their demerits too. For one, placing them in the handles of power tools means that to replace a battery you will need to send the whole power tool back to the manufacturer or have it shipped to repair centers. In addition, except you plan on buying new power tools, there are few Lithium Ion batteries fitted to go in your old models.Another consideration to have when choosing a replacement battery is the charging time. It is impractical to have a cordless power tool that needs to be charged after every hour of use and that takes long to charge. The advice is to go for a battery that last longer in use and that charges faster so that it can be re-used as soon as possible.MarketSmith subscribers now enjoy three individually designed platforms — PC, iPhone and iPad — for one subscription price. One of the several advantages of the three platforms is that subscribers can find and flag stocks of interest on-the-go, then review the list in more detail on their desktop. Trialists can experiment with all three for a limited time by visiting marketsmith.com or calling 800.452.4422.MarketSmith’s predecessor, Daily Graphs, was established in 1972 as a printed book of stock charts delivered weekly to subscribers. The stocks charts were developed by William O’Neil to give individual investors the key information they need to evaluate a stock efficiently and, more broadly, to encourage investor self-confidence in the market.Wearing yellow vests and armed with power tools, paint brushes, sheet music, ukuleles and lots and lots of water, volunteers built wheelchair ramps, sang at nursing homes, prepared hygiene kits, harvested corn and picked up trash.Yet another advantage of Lithium Ion batteries for power tool is that it is lighter than the Nickel-based batteries. Lithium Ion batteries have high energy densities which means they pack more charges per any given volume. Lastly, Lithium Ion batteries are easier to make in different sizes and shapes which is why some manufacturers now put them into the handles of the tools to save space and provide balanced hefts.Another group took a carnival theme to a local assisted living home where they played games and enjoyed a barbecue. "Our lives were enriched by these wonderful people," said Diane McCready, stake Relief Society president in East Brunswick, N.J. "What a great day - - even the heat couldn't discourage us!"

Marcia Nelson is the New York metro multi-stake public affairs assistant director.

Author: Marcia Nelson

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